No. 202

OSB Logo The Old St Beghian
  January 2023



Tim Brown (G 53-59), extracts from whose diary for the years he spent at school were printed in our last issue, has sent a photograph he took at the time of the opening of the Sellafield nuclear plant. This can be viewed below.

OSB Notes - Tim Brown - Sellafield Opening

We reproduce the relevant entry here along with an additional comment from Tim about the camera he used on the day.
17 Oct. We left School at 10.15 in 3 double-deckers, with packed breaks and arrived at Sellafield about 1/2 an hour later. We went to the public enclosure and waited for 1 1/4 hours during which time we saw many important people arrive, also Richard Dimbleby. Mr R.A. Butler spoke from the dais followed by Sir Edwin Plowden, Chairman of the UKAEA. Then the Queen spoke. She was dressed in navy blue with a silver brooch and wore a white hat. She switched on the first full scale atomic power station in the world and I was very proud to be there. We left about 12.45 along crowded and decorated roads.

“……No long distance lens in those days – just a plain simple Kodak Brownie! I think it was a present for passing my scholarship exam!”




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